Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is it good for? -Chelsea Southworth

There is no easy answer to this. While clearly the two extremes of always fighting or never fighting are completely impractical in today’s times and not the most morally sound positions (because it’s so easy to think of exceptions to always/never statements), which shade of the grey area is the right one? As for war being justified, it always is – at least from a certain side’s viewpoint. To whoever initiates the war, of course it’s justified to them; why else would they spend all that money and put both their country and their soldiers at risk if it wasn’t? To Hitler, the “war” against the Jews was as reasonable as America’s decision do get involved in Vietnam a world away. The point is, anything can be justified depending on which side you look at. However, just because it’s justified doesn’t mean it’s right. Personally, I don’t think you can make a hard and fast rule with something as complicated as warfare; each case must be considered carefully and independently to come to the best decision possible. 

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