Monday, October 21, 2013

My Subject Chose Me- Cassie Adams

Fears: Not being good enough, being alone 
Annoyances: People who use the incorrect forms of your/you're and there/their/they're, people who ask questions they could easily find the answers to themselves, inconsiderate/disrespectful people 
Accomplishments: the Academy, passing all the AP tests I've taken 
Confusions: What I want to do with my life (college, career, etc.)
Sorrows: So much to do, so little time 
Dreams:  Have a job that I am successful at and that I also enjoy doing, traveling the world
Idiosyncrasies: Always sleeping with the fan on in my room so that it is cold to the point that I have to use like at least five blankets, picking off my nail polish, somehow managing to be really organized and messy at the same time 
Risks: I don't take them 
Beloved Possessions: phone, my grandmother's necklace
Problems: Being so indecisive, overthinking, procrastinating 

I was sitting here writing this blog post and I couldn't choose which topic to elaborate on and that's when I decided that the root of all of my problems is my indecisiveness. I thought about discussing the things that annoy me because that's a pretty long list and, let's face it, who doesn't want to go on a 150 word rant about the things that they hate? And then I thought about talking about my desire to take risks and how I usually talk myself out of doing things for fear of the consequences. And then I thought I might write about how I have no clue what I want to do with my life or my career or what I want to be and where I want to go and want I want to do. And I then then I realized that all of this comes back to me being indecisive. I am always in conflict with myself. I never know exactly what I want and I am constantly changing my mind. And I'm not quite sure whether or not it's an entirely bad thing. 

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