Sunday, October 13, 2013

Subject Chose Me: Jasa Harris

Fears: Dogs, Amber Alerts, Butterflies
Annoyances: Compulsive Liars, Attention seekers, flies buzzing in my ear
Accomplishments: Keeping my two turtles alive, getting first chair trumpet in 8th grade band (I was really happy because I never get anything)
Confusions: Africa, How Spirits exist
Sorrows: Reading
Dreams: Be fluent in at least 3 languages
Idiosyncrasies: Hiccupping after eating rice
Risks: I was going to go Zip lining, but I never did
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: Bratz Dolls (then), Earrings (now)
Problems: Saving money, flossing

I’m terrified of dogs because dogs just hate me and they’re evil. My family would always have small get togethers at my great-grandma’s house and my one cousin would always bring his evil boxer dog Polo. And Polo couldn’t be chained up outside for some reason so he was always chained up in the hallway right in front of the bathroom, so one day instead of going across the street to my Grandma’s house to use the bathroom I decided to be all brave and try to slip past Polo and go to the bathroom. I shouldn’t have because Polo started barking really loudly and he almost tore off my leg, so then my cousin had to hold him back so that I could leave the bathroom.

But that’s not the only time that a dog almost killed me. I was down at my grandma’s house again and me and my sisters and cousins were riding our bikes around the neighborhood. Me and my sister were riding together when we got to this one neighborhood and this dog just came out of nowhere. We stopped our bikes and the dog ran right up to us and starting barking and staring at us. My sister remained all calm and just looked at the dog, but I panicked and jumped off my bike and started running, I don’t even know why because I obviously would have gone faster on my bike, but I just started running and I almost slipped trying to turn the corner and I guess the dog thought I had turned the corner and so it turned and I ran on this random guy’s porch and he was like “it’s okay” and this other lady down the street got my bike and walked me back to my Grandma’s house and called animal control. And my sister had left me.  That was the scariest moment of my life. I honestly thought I was going to die.

And then back in middle school I was walking to the bus stop and these two wiener dogs came running towards me out of nowhere and they were trying to kill me with their really sharp teeth. I called my mom in tears and asked her what to do and she was just like “Don’t run”, and so I had to act all calm and then they eventually ran back to wherever they came from.

Also, not too long ago I went to Rachel’s neighbor’s house and her dog almost attacked me. It was growling at me and if I hadn’t been hiding behind Rachel and the lady hadn’t locked her dog up it would have killed me. But I just think that dog was racist.  

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