Tuesday, September 17, 2013

#5 For the Love and Hate of Television

TV serves many functions in our society today, and I watch it for most of them. It provides news and communication very quickly, informs you of new products through ads, and entertains by playing shows. Although I don't watch the news very often, when I hear about a popular or well-known event, I may check in with the news to get more updates and learn more information about what is happening in the world around me. I also watch the ads in the commercials for two reasons. One so I can see if there are any new products that may benefit me to buy, and two, because they can be entertaining whether they are comedic, interesting, or just plain weird. Ads can become annoying if you have to watch more than the show you are actually trying to watch. That brings me to the last reason, which is getting entertainment through the shows. There are so many to choose from and they can appeal to just about anyone. One of my favorite shows is Gossip Girl, because something interesting is always happening and you never know what to expect. I also love to watch HGTV because I think it is amazing how a living area can be transformed, and something about it makes me want to watch it. Overall, I don't tend to watch TV too much, but I enjoy it when I do because it is an entertaining way to spend my time, as long as I don't do it too much.

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