Sunday, September 29, 2013

Create Your Own Adventure Jania Stevenson

1) If you had a time machine, what would you use it for? Why?
2) What was your favorite childhood book, movie, or TV show?
3) If you were to become famous in the future, what would you be famous for?

I read a lot as a kid, and so so many books come to mind when I think about my favorite. Out of all of those I would have to say my favorite book was Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. It was about a mouse who's parents named her after a flower. She loved her name and thought it was perfect until she started elementary school. Everyone made fun of her because her name was different. I loved this book when I was younger because I really understood Chrysanthemum's problem. My name is pretty different too. I also thought Chrysanthemum was a really pretty name and I was determined to name my daughter that if I ever had one. I obviously changed my mind when I got older. I also loved the pictures in the book. Each one had so any different colors in it, which made the book even more fun to read. I also got to go see the play at the children's theater in 1st grade, which was so exciting for me at the time. I still read this book every once in a while just to reminisce about my childhood.

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