Saturday, September 28, 2013

Create Your Own Adventure: Jasa Harris

You were just given your own talk show, what makes yours different from all the others?

Would you rather have beauty, brains or bucks? Why is that one better to have than the others?

If you were a force of nature which would you be and why?

If I was given a talk show mine would actually be entertaining. I don’t know how different it would be, but I would try to make it more accessible and just better. First, I would try and be more youthful, all the talk shows now are geared toward older people, I would make mine aimed at the younger audience. I would try to heavily involve the public. I would travel the country and tape the shows in different cities and not always in the same areas so the people outside of Los Angeles, New York and Chicago could come and be a part of the show without having to do a lot of traveling, especially because they’re younger and don’t always have that option. Also, I would have many giveaways because that’s always fun- who didn’t like Oprah’s big giveaways. The giveaways would consist of things that people my age would want like new cars, new technological items, scholarship money and shopping sprees. I would try and get many relevant celebrity guests for the show and have nice entertainment each episode that caters to a young audience. I would like to play games with the guests much like Ellen because her show is always great. I might do some interviews, but I would be a little more original in my questions, and not ask the same questions that they always get asked. But I would mostly just try and interact with the crowd and incorporate them as much as possible because I think that’s what will make a good show, a show that’s for the public so they want to actually watch every day. Also, it would not come on in the morning because a lot of people are in school and can’t watch it, so I would want it to come on at like 7:00 in the evening when nothing else good really comes on. Finally, I would want to move around the studio and not just be in a single chair the whole show, so I would definitely try to use every space too. Overall my talk show would be more youthful and hopefully entertaining. 

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