Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sydney Smith: Blog #5 (For the Love and Hate of TV)

Television is almost a staple in modern American culture. The average household has three televisions, and the average American drains several hours a day sitting in front of it. Talk about essential- our lives practically revolve around those bright little boxes!

I don't like watching TV, which I guess makes me different from the rest of my peers. Something about the idea of wasting so much time just repels me. I guess it runs in the family- none of my family members like to watch TV, either. We have never had cable at our house; we have never needed it. We don't have Netflix, either. The Smith family therefore saves a lot of time that other families might spend in front of the television. We go for family walks, have Bible studies, have dinner as a family, visit family and friends, and finish all of our work. Not watching TV had been especially useful for getting all of my homework and studying done.

Though it seems to be such an integral part of society nowadays, I am glad that I don't watch a lot of TV. When I have a family of my own someday, I think I'm going to encourage the same thing.

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