Sunday, September 1, 2013

iWrite: Chelsea Southworth

Technology has definitely affected my life in a positive way. I went to a three week camp at Duke this summer, where I made many amazing friends. We quickly bonded over shared interests, and became fast friends who could talk about literally anything (and I do mean literally). Unfortunately, only one of them lives nearby (in Louisville), and the rest live in Tennessee, South Carolina, and as far away as Boston, but because of technology we can still stay in touch. Just a few hours ago I FaceTimed with Katherine, and we were able discuss important topics like our excess of homework, my feelings about the end of that fourth Game of Thrones book, and our reactions to the BBC dramas trailer and its tantalizing clips from Sherlock and a new show starring David Tennant. I was overjoyed to finally be able to see her face and hear her voice again, and to be able to talk about things that many of my friends here aren't nearly as passionate about as I am. Without the technology we have today, we wouldn't be able to keep in touch and would likely cease to be the close friends that we are.

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