Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sydney Smith: Blog #6 (Create Your Own Adventure)

1.) What is the best piece of advice you've ever received? How did it change your life to receive this advice?
2.) Describe your room. Is it messy/ neat? Is there a certain logic/ scheme to the organization? What makes it uniquely "you"?
3.) Did your parents ever make home videos of you and your siblings when you were younger? If so, which is your favorite? What sort of memories do these videos bring back?

2. My room is my sanctum sanctorum, the point around which my day-to-day life revolves. It is where I feel safe, where I retreat after a long, hard day. Its organization is comforting; when I glance around its walls, I feel like my whole life is under control.  Its every minuscule detail is planned out, every 'i' dotted, every 't' crossed.

Circled around the upper border of my wall is taped a collection of my favorite awards and certificates, two rows thick. Scattered around under that are various bulletin boards and calendars, my favorite part of the room. On these bulletin boards, I keep all my favorite memories: old pictures, movie stubs, race numbers, acceptance letters, letters from friends, and old playbills. My calendars are meticulously organized and color coordinated. My bedside table contains an alarm clock that never wakes me up and my Bible, falling apart and binding collapsed due to its never- ending use. More pictures of my favorite memories are taped to the walls, next to my schedules and community service log. Gobs of medals that I don't even remember winning decorate my dresser: they hang from either side of my mirror in such a way that I can hardly see my reflection. My bookshelf is practically exploding with the number of books crammed onto its shelves. Used shooting targets hang on my doors, reminding me of the days I've spent endlessly firing bullets into them.

Yes, my room is my sanctum sanctorum. It comforts me. It cradles me as I fall asleep. And I hope it never changes. Because it is the one thing that remains constant.

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