Sunday, September 29, 2013

Create Your Own Adventure- Cassie Adams

1. What worries you most about the future?
2. What's on your bucket list? 
3. Describe a random object (or two) in your room. What is the significance behind this object? 
Prompt 2: 

I've always liked the idea of having a bucket list. A list of things you would like to do, some so ridiculous that you wouldn't believe you could accomplish in your wildest dreams and others so commonplace that you wonder why you hadn't done them already. And so a while ago, mostly out of bordom, I opened a new "note" on my iPhone and started to compile a running list of things I'd like to do in the future. It currently is composed of 27 things, but is by no means complete. A lot of them have to do with traveling. Number 3 reads, "Visit all 50 states." I don't know why this idea is so appealing to me, especially considering it would require that I visit all the random and assumingly boring states that no one ever talks about like Kansas or something. But I think that in every state there will be some interesting experience to be had. Another, number 15, is to speak fluent Spanish. I've taken Spanish for 5 years now and I'd like to get to the point where I can travel to Spain or Chile or Argentina or any other Spanish-speaking country and be able to communicate with ease. So far, I've only completed two of the things on my bucket list. One being that I saw Ed Sheeran in concert last April, which was a fantastic experience. The other, "be tweeted by someone famous," was checked off my list when I was tweeted by Hoodie Allen, a muscian to you may or may not know. (I still have the screenshot saved to my phone, in case you were wondering.) 

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