Sunday, September 29, 2013

#6 Create Your Own Adventure-Erin Holbrook

1.) What do you keep on your nightstand? A pile of books? A bag of cough drops? Nothing but a clock? Describe what this says about you.

2.) In many books the author bends logic to create a world that is more interesting, though not necessarily any better than our own. If you could redesign the world, ignoring every law of nature, how would it be different from our own? How would it be similar?

3.) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? What would you do there?

The world we live in seems boring sometimes. There is no magic nor alien invaders. Animals do not hold philosophical discussions with humans over tea. The laws of nature constrain us like shackles, making even the simplest time machine scientifically impossible-at least if you plan on coming back.

Take out these laws, and things get chaotic. In a world without science to define it, ghosts and witches come out to play. Multiple intelligent species vie for power, and sights exist beyond out wildest beliefs.

In this world, with a purple moon and three suns, everything seems different. Every person is unique and wonderful, but still the same. No matter how much the substance of the universe changes, human nature remains the same. Rome will still ruthlessly destroy Carthage, even if it is using magic to do so. The same ambitions, desires, and conflicts exist in every world, simply dressed in a different costume.

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