Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment #5-Cassie Adams

When I read the assignment for this blog entry, the first thing I thought of was a lyric from one of my favorite songs, Lost Generation by Rizzle Kicks. The song goes, "Reality TV is morphene. Give me that now, let me ease the pain." I think that for a lot of people this statement is true. We use television as an escape from reality, a sort of "morphene". It allows us to forget about the stress of own lives and focus on someone else's, whether they be real or fictional. 

By no means am I trying to portray television as something entirely bad. I watch more television than I would care to admit. There are a number of shows that I follow without missing a single episode. I have countless episodes of Supernatural recorded on my DVR and I was practically counting down the days until the season premiere of Bones. But there is a point where television becomes more of a distraction than a simple form of entertainment. There have been many nights where I have put off my homework just to watch one episode of Friends or Big Bang Theory that turned into two or three or four. It's easy to justify procrastinating when you're able to say, "Oh it's only 30 minutes" or, "But I don't want to miss the new episode." Sometimes television can get in the way of more important things. So, I think that when it comes to TV, we have to set our priorites straight. Do the actions of a fictional character in a fictional world really outweigh what is happening in our own lives? 

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