Sunday, September 1, 2013

IWRITE: Hans Stromberg

Technology has most definitely affected my life in a positive way. I love social media and other fancy technology but that isn't really my style. I could easily live without these technologies but the technologies I couldn't live without would be my TV and phone. Without my precious television I don't know what I would do for entertainment. If you think about it, whenever you have nothing to do, you say to yourself, "I know, I'll just go watch TV." I wouldn't be able to live if I couldn't watch Kentucky play football and basketball every weekend. I also enjoy watching all types of golf over the weekends to pass the time. For sake of pure entertainment, technology has affected me in a beneficial way.

Another wonderful way technology has affected me is with the use of my cell phone. I can't even imagine a world without being able to communicate with anyone at any time. For example, my cell phone helps me every weekend by enabling me to communicate with my friends to set up a plan to golf or play basketball. This positive affect makes the little inconveniences in life way more convenient. Added up, all the little benefits I receive from technology affect my life in a majorly positive way.

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