Sunday, September 22, 2013

Television: Alexander Reese

    The majority of people in the US have a television. I happen to fall into that majority. However, with the recent developments in online entertainment I rarely watch TV on a TV. I choose instead to use programs such as Netflix and Hulu because they have far fewer ads and offer significantly more choice in what to watch. In addition, it's nice to be able to stop whenever you want and pick up where you left off at a later time (but let's face it, most of us just watch the whole series in one sitting). Television programs have also fallen a bit flat in my opinion as of late. Almost all of them seem to be reality shows featuring people making fools of themselves and generally dumbing down America. With the likes of Honey Boo Boo on our televisions, it's no wonder other countries make fun of us. One of my favorite shows right now is Archer. I'd recommend it to people who enjoy comedies and James Bond mixed together. Another great show is Video Game High School (although it's a web series), which is probably my favorite show simply because of how much I can identify with the main character.

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