Sunday, September 8, 2013

Come To the Dark Side: Lucy Wan

The world is not colorblind.

While the divide between good and evil seems like absolute values, it is not all black-and-white. Instead, we live in a greyscale, a range of color from black to white and everything in between. Though good and evil seem like two entirely different things, they are interconnected and intermingle. Good is to evil as love is to hate; they cannot exist without each other, yet they are completely unlike.

The only war between good and evil is the struggle of an individual between them. Though some people seem like the definition of evil, there is good in them and vice versa. As Americans, we believe the bombing of 9/11 was an act of pure evil, yet the Taliban would see it as the right thing to do. Ultimately, our perspective determines our viewpoint of good and evil. Good v. Evil encompasses a grey area that depends on the way we assess the situation.

Good and evil cannot be fully defined. While good seems like love and evil seems like hatred, it is not so easy to spell out the difference. Our opinion of good and evil depends on our opinion of the context that surrounds separate actions. Good and evil are not two different concepts, but rather a greyscale of humanity.

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