Saturday, September 7, 2013

Good and Evil - Zac Byrd

Good and evil are like white and black.  They are opposites of each other but they always go together.  What would the Harry Potter series be without the incredible backstory behind Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter?  And what would the Hunger Games be without the people in the capital taking advantage of the laborers in each district? Good vs. Evil has to coexist in order for there to be a difference in anything.

Good or evil cannot trump the other because then everything would be considered normal.  If good won out then everybody would only do good actions.  But there is no comparison to those good actions, so good would just be the normal thing that happens in society.  If evil trumped good, than all evil would just be a common action.  They have to coexist to exist.

Even the superheroes in the Marvel movies did seemingly “evil” tasks.  Iron Man was selfish, the Hulk killed tons of good soldiers but only one bad one, and Batman harmed many people while trying to get one guy.  But they did do “good” things like potentially saving the world, and saving cities from future destruction.  Good and evil do coexist but can’t exist by themselves.


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