Sunday, September 1, 2013

iWrite: Lucy Wan

Undoubtedly, technology has had a huge impact on all of our lives. Within the last 20 years, the world has changed from a place without many of the technological advances we know today, to a world dominated by iPhones and social media. My generation has never known life without the internet, cell phones, and twitter. If we had been born 20 years earlier, our behavior would be much different. Perhaps we would actually know how to communicate other than through email. Maybe thousands of teenage girls would cry over breakup phone calls rather than breakup texts. Technology allows us to put a certain amount of distance between each other communication-wise. The anonymity that the internet gives us seems to give the typical "hater" a shield between reality and falseness. However, despite the cons of technology, it has had a positive impact on relationships. My long-distance friendships would never have survived if not for Skype and Google hangout. Thanks to the power of technology, especially the internet, I have managed to keep in touch with people who live as far away China and as close as here in Lexington. Honestly, despite growing up in a changing world with new and sometimes negative types of technology I wouldn't have it any other way. Using technology is as natural as walking to me. Without technology I wouldn't be able to have a wealth of insight literally at my fingertips. It is the most amazing tool we have in our arsenal of knowledge.

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