Sunday, September 1, 2013

Blog #2: Sydney Smith (iWrite)


So much has changed in the realm of technology over the past 20 years. And as a consequence, society as a whole has changed with it. If I had grown up in the 1980s, life would have been radically different.

Interaction and Relationships

1.) Communication would be much slower and less frequent, especially communication that was not in- person. Nowadays, we are virtually always connected to our peers through texting, email, Facebook, Twitter, and other various outlets. Twenty years ago, none of these things existed; if people wanted to contact each other, they would talk in person, call on the landline, or write a letter. These forms of communication were much slower- thus, it was much less frequent than it is now. Relationships were different because much more emphasis was placed on face- to- face interaction.

2.) School would be very different. Nowadays, school districts seemingly require the use of technology, and a lot of assignments/ activities center around the use of a computer, or at least a smart phone. In the 21st century, even checking your grades is virtual. A student today could pull up a test score or grade in about 5 minutes. Twenty years ago, students didn't always know what their exact grades were. They relied on guesswork and asking their teachers. The modern technological approach is much quicker and more effective.

My Choice

If I could choose, I would definitely choose 21st century technology. I like being able to communicate at all times with my peers, and I find the use of technology very helpful in my everyday life.

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