Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Will Atkins-6-Create Your Own Adventure

1. What gets you up in the morning?

2. What are your political views on important topics?

3. What irks you the most?

3- What irks you the most? That is a terrible question. Who would even ask that? Ugh. To respond not-so-politely, my everyday life irks me. Whether it's my mother's untreated insanity that I think is so bad she should be put in a mental asylum, or it's my father's inability to admit that he's wrong, something irks me. ALL THE TIME. Why has that teacher not put in that grade yet? What is going to be on that quiz? Is the academy worth it? All of these questions blitz through my mind at 100 mph and they never stop coming. This causes me to rant out my thoughts and feelings as if I'm running the audio blog of someone who is on crack, meth, and five hour energy combined. This is why I love to rant though, it gives me the ability to just say whatever I want, not thinking about the last word I've said and not knowing what I'm going to say next. I regress, what irks me is life because you always hope the day before that the next day is going to be shiny and beautiful and it's going to work out exactly as you planned. GUESS WHAT. It never works out that way. While, "expect the unexpected," is a bull crap and overused phrase, it is true in some ways. It is true in the way that you have no god dang clue what's going to happen next, so you might as well just give up. So to answer my original question, "What irks you the most?" My answer would have to be my life and rants. And I'll throw hypocrites in there as well.

Until the next time I remember to do my post, Will Atkins 

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