Sunday, September 1, 2013

iwrite Aaron Dupont

Technology has changed so much over the past couple of years. Although technology can be very useful and helpful, it has gotten in my way many times and I feel it has had a slight negative impact on society. A couple of years ago I had a very slow internet connection at my home and a lot of our school assignments had to be turned in electronically and a lot of our assignments had to be viewed electronically. This meant for a lot of assignments I was not able to do them online or view them because my computer was to slow and couldn't submit my assignment or open what I needed to view. This caused me a major inconvenience because I would have to turn in most things by hand instead of online which was much easier. Also I feel technology has had a slight negative impact on society because now everyone relies on their Iphones or other devices and these devices control our lives and it is all we care about. A lot of times when I go out to eat with people everyone is consumed by their phones and doesn't socialize with the people around them. These electronic devices have almost taken over society and i feel people need to spend less time obsessing with them.

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