Sunday, December 8, 2013

#16- Chelsea Southworth

Chris Buck, though not a famous director by any means, has created two beloved Disney films: Tarzan and Frozen. While I loved Tarzan when I was younger and still do (despite all of the inaccuracies with the movies' primates; don't get me started on that), Frozen has quickly become one of my favorite Disney movies, right up there with Tangled.

The major difference between the films that has caused me to favor Frozen is that it is in so many ways a completely unprecedented movie for Disney. Without spoiling anything, this is one of the first Disney movies that focuses on the bond between sisters rather than a romance (Lilo and Stitch is the only one I can think of that’s even close to this); one of the princesses *gasp* doesn’t even end up with a prince! The story was original and moving, bringing me laughter, tears, and awwws in equal measure.

However, there are aspects to these movies that are very similar. They both have infectious, ear-catching songs, like “You’ll be in my Heart” and “Strangers like Me” from Tarzan, and, well, every song from Frozen, though “Let it Go”, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman”  and “For the First Time in Forever” are my favorites at the moment. The animation, while different forms for both, is gorgeously detailed and complex; these movies are visual beauty.

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