Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Zach Wolfe #13

I honestly don't think professional athletes get paid enough. Like Swift, I have my own proposal. I think we should just funnel money to all of them. It's not enough they get paid millions of dollars if not tens of millions. After two years, a new football player is richer than my parents. That's not enough though. I think they need more. Nothing is better than fueling their egos and making them richer and richer. They  complain about all the money that they have. They want more and more, always being greedy. My proposal is that there should be a government program that grants tax dollars to all professional athletes. If their team owners can't give them enough, we should pay them too. Depending on their skill level, they'll receive more or less money. Lesser athletes will receive an extra $150,000 a year from our tax dollars, and high-profile athletes such as Tom Brady and LeBron James will receive an extra $12,450,050 a year to their already lucrative paychecks. It'll make them so happy, and that's what's most important to all of us. In order to provide this extra money to athletes, our government will only have to raise tax rates by an easily manageable 350%. That's not too much to ask for.

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