Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Zach Wolfe #11

In English class I sit next to Karl Werner. I'm lucky due to the fact that Karl and I were already very close friends before the year began. We met in seventh grade and we've been inseparable ever since. In middle school we used to hangout every weekend, and nowadays we still "chill" most weekends, but due to our busy lives, it's not quite as often. When Karl and I first met, he was a head taller than me, already shaving, and had the hairiest arms and legs I'd ever seen. Puberty had hit this child early and no adult could believe he belonged in our age group. Today, he's only grown a little over an inch in five years whereas I'm now 6'3" and whole head taller than him. My relationship with Karl is unique to the relationships I have with other people. I started dragging out the vowel in his name, calling him Kaaaaaarl so that he'd know I was talking to him, however this eventually morphed into Carol once I elongated the L and changed the sound of the A. Not really sure what made me do that. Anyway, Karl is a hardworking guy who's extremely intelligent, overly hilarious, and succeeds at everything he tries. I would choose the the color black to describe him because he is a dark person. Not in a personality sense because he's usually very lively but his skin color is naturally darker than most white people, and he has dark hair all over his arms, legs, face and head. He also used to have dark circles around his eyes when he was younger but those have lightened over the years. If I could pick one animal to symbolize Karl it would be a opossum because opossums always play dead but they never really are. Karl is very similar in the eyes of our peers. They think he's lazy and does nothing but I know that's completely untrue. He does all of his homework at the beginning of the week and he studies for tests just like everyone else. Some people even thing he's dumb even though he always gets one of the highest grades on every activity we do in school whether it's a test or a timed writing or even a homework assignment. He also has high As in all of his classes. Karl represents a opossum because people always view him incorrectly, just like when the opossum plays dead. In five years I see Karl graduating at a four-year university in the top five of his class, and then moving on to graduate school in whatever field he chooses. With his high test scores and GPA, he can realistically get into any college he wanted. Now whether he'll take advantage of that is another story. But I believe Karl will exceed in whatever he decides to do.

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