Sunday, December 8, 2013

BOO- Cassie Adams

There any many things that scare me. For example, I have a mild fear if heights, and spiders, and small spaces. But if I try hard enough, I am able to conquer these fears. One thing that I am very afraid of is not being good enough and disappointing others. All of my life I have been taught to strive for the best. Better graders, better test scores, to be kinder, to be a better dancer, to better control my anger. In the grand scheme of things, these are not bad goals to strive for. But I have always been one to put more pressure on myself than necessary. I would say that I'm a pretty decent student. I'm in the Academy, taking four AP classes, getting decent grades. Compared to some, I am an overachiever. I work hard to become a better dancer and learn and perfect more skills. But I am constantly struggling to be better. I am afraid of what might happen if I don't work harder and harder. I am afraid of disappointing my parents, my friends, my team, and ultimately myself. In a way, my persistence and determination is both a blessing and a curse. 

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