Sunday, December 8, 2013

Changes- Cassie Adams

I have recently invented a new game to play when I'm bored and scrolling through my twitter feed. It's called "count the number of people how type like they have never taken an English class before." It's a very entertaining game, but I have to limit the amount of time I play this game so that I don't get so entirely frustrated that go off on an angry rant against those who don't understand the basic rules of the English language. The most common error that I find that will place someone in this group is the misuse of the forms of you're/your and there/they're/their. I could not tell you the number of times I've seen things along the lines of "your welcome". If you could go back in time and sit in on any one of these people's language arts class in elementary school, you could pinpoint the EXACT moment in time that they were taught the difference between you're and your. And if they didn't learn it back then, it isn't difficult to learn it now. "Your" indicates possession, "you're" means YOU ARE. It's as simple as that. So, it is only reasonable to conclude that these errors do not occur due to ignorance, but rather laziness. And that is what frustrates me most. 

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