Saturday, December 7, 2013

Will Atkins-10-BOO

I'm afraid of few things. I'm not trying to be tough, but I have no problem with staring into the eyes of a spider, snake, a rat, anything. There is however one fear inside me that I don't even like talking about.


I feel it on the back of my neck as my brother drives 75 mph on New Circle. I feel its cold breath as I finish a cross country race with a heart beat of 220 beats per minute. I feel it everywhere. And that's the scariest part.

You can look to any news source and see, "Drunk Driver Kills Innocent Teen," or possibly, "Perfectly Healthy Child Doesn't Wake Up." I am scared of every moment, dangerous or not, because I know that even if you don't see the danger, that just means it's right around the corner. It reminds me of the old Chuck Norris joke, if you can see Chuck Norris, you're 10 seconds from dying. If you can't see him, you're 5 seconds away from dying. This reflects my attitude towards Death. I'd almost rather make eye contact with a snake then drive late at night past a bar. That's also why I fear death, at least that snake will slither away, but Death? It will always be there.

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