Thursday, December 5, 2013

Assignment #8: Territories Karl Werner

Fears: spiders, death, solitude, failing
Annoyances: arrogance, hypocrisy, stupidity, ignorance
Accomplishments: academics, being a good brother and son
Confusions: injustice, corruption
Sorrows: temper, wasted time
Dreams: riches, summer
Risks: run-in with a police officer, general stupidity
Idiosyncrasies: other worlds with characters and plot lines in my head, gets too hype off fictional works, simulating sports
Beloved possessions: clothes, phone, basketball, books
Problems: stress, anger, memory

I create worlds in my head. Not so much anymore, but it was a significant time-passing activity in my younger days. In my prepubescent era, my family was not too keen on electronics. I was allocated around 3 hours a week for electronics (video games AND tv). Due to this, I had to find other ways to amuse myself. Books were one of my favorite methods. Sadly, I was a speed reader. I blazed through novels quickly and was often stuck with nothing to read until the next library visit. What would I do then? I would use the small amount of tv and games I had done as well as my literary knowledge as inspiration for a world. I would create this world and its characters in my head. Then, I would walk around my house acting out adventures and episodes occurring in this world. All this happened in my head. Dialogue, combat scenes, character relationships, plot twists....all upstairs in my mind. Some of it was similar in concept to things that where on tv or in books, but the events and characters where always original. I had one that went on for years. That show had seasons, man. Recurring characters, new villains, new additions, the whole nine yards. Too bad I didn't write any of it down.

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