Saturday, December 7, 2013

Will Atkins-14-Flying Turkeys

"Hey Sarah, do you know who that it is?" I not very sneakily whisper to my sister causing an elder to give us a dirty look as we bob and weave our way through a crowded room.

"Will when was the last time I knew or even cared about who these people are?"

"Good Point"

"Hey Packy..."

"Do you really have to ask Will?" My brother replies with a flat, displeased face.

I optimistically reply with, "C'mon guys suck it up for one night, let's make it to a TV or a parent or somebody who brought some snacks for us to survive on until dinner." My sister simply walks away, taking the lone wolf thought process, but my brother in arms stays by me.

"We got this Will, we just have to be strategical about this."

"I'm looking at possible routes to the family room where there's a TV and a bowl of nuts"

"Really Will? Nuts?"

"It's nuts or starve." My brother nods at me as we're both about to pick up our rifles and hope we see each other on the other side. "This is what I'm thinking, we zig zag the two long dinner tables, avoiding the always talkative Nanna, move quickly through the foire with heads down, acting like we have a purpose..."

My brother interrupts me, "we do have a purpose"

"True. We head through the foire, go through the coat room and we're home free."

Two seconds into our perilous journey....

"Packy, Will how have you all been?" How are your parents?"


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