Sunday, December 1, 2013

Flying Turkeys Jania Stevenson

Thanksgivings with my family are really... interesting. We usually don't know what's going on until a day or two before Thanksgiving, which is when my aunt calls everyone and tells them what to bring and where it's going to be. Most of the time there's not enough room for everybody wherever it is so there's never a "nicely decorated table." You sit where you can. But we do have ridiculous amounts of food. Everyone loads up their plates with the different dishes everyone has brought and chows down, probably more than once. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if you didn't eat as much as you possibly could! Then after we're done eating we sit and talk for hours. My most memorable Thanksgiving was when I was about eight or nine and thanksgiving was at one of my aunt's houses. My mom and I showed up about and hour and a half late and there was barely any food left. The turkey was almost gone and so I ended up with about half of a plate of food. I was a little upset at first but it ended up being really fun in the end.

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