Thursday, December 5, 2013

Flying Turkeys- Lucy Wan

Thanksgiving at my house is very unorthodox.
Growing up in an Asian household is strange in a lot of ways, but nothing is weirder than celebrating 'American' holidays. For New Years we don't have parties, for the 4th of July we don't have barbecues, and for Thanksgiving day we don't have a turkey. But that doesn't mean I don't stuff my face and gain 5 pounds in the course of a weekend. Typically a family friend hosts a party and invites a ton of people. The parties are always, always a potluck which means I'm in luck. Think an average Thanksgiving dinner and multiply that by 50. Sadly there's not much in the way of 'normal' food though. Mashed potatoes? Nope. Stuffing? Nope. Turkey? Nope! But there's duck (which is DELICIOUS) and dumplings and so many kinds of meat that at some point you lose track. I've always remembered Thanksgiving as a time to spend with family and many many friends. And though my parents are usually playing some card game and I'm getting crushed in all video games, my family never feels more together than when we're apart.

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